Meet Thy Poop
The Pioneers of Poop
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The Pioneers of Poop
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@AdamShitler (CEO) The most annoying little shit money can buy with a swollen ego and an aptitude for verbal diarrhea. His favorite pastime is taking a morning poo whilst scrolling through his social media. He really just doesn't give a shit about his employees. @VladimirShitzko (CMO) Battling bouts of constipation and IBS symptoms since a child and coming out victorious, VladimirShitzko is no rookie when it comes to getting mass shit - out to the masses. @NoamShitzky (CTO) "Be right back, taking a shit" - NoamShitzky.
@Poopcasso (Lead Pixel Artist) Imbued with a stinky fever for the creative arts, Poopcasso specializes in the field of pixel poop. Relentlessly squeezing out blood, sweat, and pixels for the past 7 years, Poopcasso is the shit when it comes to all things pixel, animation, and poop. @VincentVanPoop (Lead 3D Artist) Crazed with incontinence, VincentVanPoop has a knack for dropping pellets of 3D gold in an effortless fashion. A self-taught, 3D connoisseur with skills in animation that span over 4 years, he knows how to get shit done.